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Saturday 1 April 2023

Modern Technology Solutions For the 21st Century | Modern Technology

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Youth Over the past few decades, there have been unprecedented innovations in the field of technology, which have brought about huge changes in medicine, transportation, communication, defense, and other areas of life, apart from home workplaces.  These inventions have greatly helped in the political, economic, and social development of countries around the world.  The rampant use of mobile phones and access to the Internet has changed the means of communication for the youth and is also a special convenience for them.  Although access to the Internet has empowered everyone, it has also increased opportunities for young people to participate in social life.

Pakistan is rich in talented youth who can lead the country on the path of development through modern technology, but whatever they find attractive, they use it freely without knowing its advantages and disadvantages.  It starts with showing videos on mobile phones to silence young children.  While its indiscriminate use has made the youth physically weak and lazy and lazy, it is also adversely affecting their mental abilities.  A lost game can be turned into a win again, but the defeat of civilization destroys an entire generation.  Just as a knife is not a bad thing, an ax is not a painful thing.  But when we start misusing these things instead of consuming them, then a negative side is created in them, a knife is used to cut vegetables, fruits, etc., and an ax is used to cut wood.  If it is used as a weapon to cut someone's neck, play with the life of an innocent person or shed someone's blood, there is no fault in these things, but the one who misuses it is the real culprit.  Similarly, modern technology is not a dangerous thing by itself, when we use it to achieve our opposing goals, then its beneficial effects disappear and the harmful effects spread as a pest in society, so our main responsibility is  That our young generations should be encouraged to use these facilities only for the development and development of the community.  Keeping in mind the requirements of today, it is the responsibility of parents to keep a close eye on children, especially young people, and not to give them excessive mobile phones.

  Bill Gates himself did not allow his children to use computers at an early age.  Former US President Barack Obama's wife also did not let her child near the computer until the age of fifteen.  It is we who put our species to death in the cycle of imitating others.  While tired of today's modern life system, people are now longing for their old way of life.  A clear proof of this is the recent protest of more than a million people in Italy for the restoration of their ancient household system.  Although the world has become a global village due to the new inventions of modern technology, its increasing demand, and use, its increasing harmful effects on human health are also coming to light, mobile phones, the Internet, multimedia, and  The results of recent research in Britain on the increasing use of television have shocked the whole world.  Scientists have warned that in the next 30 years, i.e. in 2045, 5 billion people around the world will have vision impairment, which will be half of the entire population.  According to statistics, 2 billion people around the world are farsighted

Scientists have warned that in the next 30 years, i.e. in 2045, 5 billion people around the world will have vision impairment, which will be half of the entire population.  According to statistics, 2 billion people around the world are suffering from farsightedness. Scientists say that the causes of people's farsightedness and blindness are working in low light, and using computers, TVs, and mobile phones.  Involves spending more time on the screen.  According to a study, youths become addicted to the excessive use of the Internet to such an extent that even a day of not using the Internet increases their anxiety and nervous tension while reading i.e. reading books can prevent mental disorders at all ages.  Saves. Internet users should also be made aware of its dangers.  In the modern era, the internet circle has become so wide that one cannot even imagine. The internet has created a parallel world. Young students use it to get information and it helps them to find new friends.  It also proves to be helpful and helpful, and it can also generate income, for those doing research in any field, it is no less than a blessing.  can present in front of  Remember! Thanks to the internet itself, the flow of news has become faster and access to information has become easier, but unfortunately, the majority of our youth are using the internet for cheap entertainment which is disturbing.  What is the reason for this?  The main reason for this is the weakness of our beliefs, turning away from Islamic values.  Parents should train their children in such a way, after which they can face all difficulties manfully.  When these values ​​remain in their minds, then they will be ready to follow Islamic laws.  Armed with modern technology, when they enter the field of practice, the cultural invasion will not be able to dissuade them.

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