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Wednesday 5 April 2023

8 Guiding Principles of Health and Fitness

 8 Guiding Principles of Health and Fitness

Health and well-being are one of the most abundant blessings of Allah Ta'ala. It has been rightly said that life is where it is. If a person is not healthy, then all the colors, interests, and blessings of the world are seen as nothing. In the world of health and wellness, a person does not fully realize the value of this blessing, but he suffers illness, sorrow, and suffering. Then, fortunately, after getting complete recovery from the disease, he realizes the value and value of this priceless and abundant blessing that health is a thousand blessings.

Getting the best healthy diet, exercise, rest, mental and mental peace, and timely treatment helps to make our life peaceful and healthy. Today we tell you some principles of health and fitness, If these are followed, one can lead a healthy life.

 1. Eat a balanced diet:

Our diet can affect our health in various ways, as it is said that what you eat is your health, which means that if you eat a balanced diet, you will stay healthy and free from diseases. A balanced diet requires that you include everything in your diet that is rich in vitamins. Also, be careful with your diet. Cut down on fried things or sweets. Try to eat less while eating. Overeating is also bad for health...

2. Make exercise a habit:

Health experts say that if a person does two hours of light exercise or walking daily, it improves blood flow in the body, which is very useful for blood pressure patients. Walking improves physical health as well as mental performance while relieving stress. For physical exercise, it is better to clean the house yourself and prefer to take the stairs rather than use the elevator. You won't need to join a gym.

3. Never neglect mental health

Many of us only care about our physical health and give all our attention to physical health only. If our mental health is bad then it automatically affects our physical health, if you want to improve your mental health then yoga is very helpful.

4. Make breakfast a must:

Eat breakfast to avoid weakness, and keep physical and mental health healthy. Skipping breakfast not only weakens the body but also increases the effect on cognitive abilities due to which your mental capacity begins to decline. That is why medical experts advise having a rich breakfast.

5. Drink more water:

Everyone is aware of the importance of water, but still, it is not given priority. If you only drink soft drinks, tea, and coffee, it can affect your health, so you must drink as much water as possible. Drink. Water keeps the body fresh while keeping all the body systems healthy. Drink water always sitting down.

6. Get plenty of sleep:

Allah Almighty has made the night for sleeping and health experts also say that if you sleep well at night, you will be healthy and energetic. Everyone should get at least eight hours of sleep. Getting enough sleep increases the ability to perform daily tasks while relieving fatigue, irritability, and stress. Sleeping at night is twice as beneficial as sleeping during the day.

7. Wash hands thoroughly:

Hand washing is the best way to prevent diseases and their spread. Health experts say that people usually get colds, flu, and fever because they eat food with dirty hands and dirty hands are also the cause of disease spread.


08. Avoid smoking:

To live a healthy life, you must avoid smoking because smoking causes heart disease, blood pressure, and lung problems.


Note: This article is for general information. Readers must also consult their physician in this regard.

, mental health, a healthy, balanced diet

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